A dog leaves a mark, not a scar', …someone rightly said.
The dog community in India especially the Indian Pariah is without any social security.
They are breeding without any reasonable care and comfort. They are hounded by dog haters and made to suffer beyond their survival strategies.
It all started with my experience when an Indian street dog came at my doorstep…she was the one who made me realize that we need to nurture these dogs too. The Golden Retrievers and the Labradors of the world all find their ways to rich homes. What is so special about them? They are dogs as well. Do not be biased…just spare a thought about giving some care and love to their Indian counterparts.
The Indian Pariah is blamed and feared for no fault of their own. They are usually non-aggressive unless poked and hit! There is a general fear because people assume that all of them carry rabies.
The reality is that the unhealthy environment in which they survive is the reason behind their ill health. The mismanagement of sanitation in the city gullies, the garbage piles on which they feed is killing them. Ironically, they save us from the garbage! The municipal kennel keepers often find these dogs in danger but do not do much about it.
Rise up people!! Have a heart for them too. This blog may not be the first one to voice their sufferings but we do need to cull out decent home care for them The not for profit organizations working for puppy love might be doing their bit but let us wake up and realize how we can work for them and help them.
To start with, how about setting up some kennels on the streets?
Hope you are in tune with me…Do share ideas and thoughts LIKES DISLIKES….. on the topic as it is the need of the hour!
"I am Faraz Haider, member of social club, MISB Bocconi.This is for a friend who is in love with dogs."
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