Thursday, August 17, 2017

The Broken Sanctuary

A child's mind is a 'sanctum ' a place where one is free from intrusion.A view through a child's lens would show a colorful and picturesque vision or in more related terms 'organic'. The vision maybe something about a run among the greens….or a soccer game in the middle of the road….a chase after a butterfly… a friendly shout for the cricket ball….or a hit for a six on the neighbor's window pane….a party over snack time or much earned sleep over at a friends place…

But it is about a view to kill. Look through the child's lenses once again, focus and observe the vision.The childhood is being transformed into a danger zone due to online perils, endless hours of school work, the nightmares of examinations, the violence in schools and the exploitation of innocent teenagers. The vision doesn't end in the child's mind. It translates into depression, phobias, and suicides. The curtains fall when the rat race to win the game of clarifying entrances and examinations breaks the stage and the innocent mind of the child is uprooted like a winged seed which has no destination.

The child is confused with the transmission and development of knowledge and skills. He has to learn it all or spend it all…!The expectations of parents rise above their own. Listening, speaking writing have to be honed with new ways of learning. The interconnected activities,  the multi tasking of the brain is actually freezing the minds of these innocent children. The society is the wrong perception that these skills are being provided to encourage learning opportunities.

We all need to be aware that child's early year's matter. The joys of being connected with elders in the families during vacations are being sacrificed by summer courses abroad. The chase after a butterfly now ends at a coaching center. There has to be a voice to make a hue and cry that the drive for results in this rat race has taken a toll on the innocence of children. The stressful and structured school education has murdered the artistic and creative bent of mind among the children. The inspiration for everyday work and life leads nowhere but to depression.

The talk the play, the fun, the food of children are all curbed by transmission and development of education, digitalization of the simple aspects of life has murdered their natural instincts. The voice has to be heard. The action plan has to be set into place. The culprits of this view to kill need to reflect about the needle in the straw!

The grave consequences of this rat race are evident.A fair chance should be given to the children to live the freedom they deserve. The need of the hour is to put a hold on these culprits of the society. A revamp is required into the Child's Right to Education where education is not a burden. Last but not the least a  law should be made which recognizes and protects the intricacies of a true childhood to build back the broken sanctuary….

About the Author: Faraz Haider is a core part of the social club. He is a jovial chap who is always up for a quick chat. He is also the person to go to when you need an encouraging word. Else, you can see him being his usual happy-go-lucky self around the college.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Real ‘Thugs of Hindostan’

The upcoming YRF flick starring Bollywood biggies Aamir Khan & Amitabh Bachchan might be making waves in media but our real thugs are not getting the attention they deserve. 

On a rare sunny day in the wet season of Mumbai, I was out enjoying a stroll.
With my headphones on and my trusty umbrella giving me company I had
covered quite a distance and was deliberating upon my options to regain the
calories I had just lost when I was jolted out of my reverie. Turns out a guy from
my school I hadn’t seen in the past 5 years had just recognised me and wanted to
have a chat. I obliged and over a cup of chai our conversation began. Manoj (that
was his name) was telling me something when I saw a small plastic Tiranga resting
near the garbage can. I mentioned my observation to Manoj and our conversation
switched over to the real ‘Thugs of Hindostan’. I’ll highlight some of the points
from the conversation.

Our nation thanks to its huge size and population has no dearth of people and
problems. Ask anyone around you and they’ll give you a good list but recently a
trend has emerged that though not found in these lists has as much potential to
engulf our nation causing much strife and grief. This destructive trend is the
emergence of pseudo-nationalists or as they’ll be referred here ‘Thugs’. Unlike the
glamorous thugs of bollywood these are regular everyday people not discernible at
a glance, making them all the more dangerous since they hide in plain sight and
strike as they please. Now some of you might be thinking that I am making a
mountain out of a molehill but let me elaborate on some of the ‘nationalistic’
activities our Thugs have recently indulged in.

Lynching, these Thugs they do not believe in following the law of the nation. No,
they take the law in their own hand and worse yet utilise the religious or cultural
sentiments of bystanders to aid them in their crimes. For these are crimes that
these people commit, often for nothing more than their own sadistic purposes.
There is no thought of nation in their actions, that is but an act to give them a
safe passage for indulging in their wretched deeds. Since 2015 (Dadri mob
lynching) dozens of innocent lives have been taken by these Thugs in the name of
nationalism but I do not recall my nation - a nation that holds pride in its history
of non violence - ever condoning leave alone approving of the kind of hideosity
these guys engage in.

If you thought that it was just common people these Thugs targeted you are
wrong. Bollywood superstars like Shah Rukh Khan and his peers are are not safe
either. In the name of nationalism these Thugs go on a rampage against movie
industry when it comes to people of certain religion; however, in the world’s
largest democracy it can’t be nationalistic to point out people based on their
religion. No they are not nationalists because beneath that false facade are close
minded, racist, gender biased, anti social elements who engage in these activities
to satisfy their cruelty and nothing else.

Furthermore, these Thugs on the basis of
nationalism might accost you at anytime, even say while you are watching a movie.
Thugs that they are, they do not even spare handicapped people, to them it does
not matter that you are on a wheelchair and that’s why you can’t stand for the
national anthem, they will take this opportunity to thrash you. It is because they
are thugs and not nationalists after all.

What makes you a real patriot?

We had been talking about the things these Thugs do, when Manoj asked me,
“What do you think a person who really cares about his country does?”. The
answer might be far simpler than most of us think. A true patriot, values his
country but he values the people who live in it more. He/She respects the national
symbols and anthems and expects the same from others but does not force his
believes on others. Above all a person who cares about his country takes proper
care of it. It is not difficult to do either. Simple steps make all the difference.
Volunteering, helping people in need, in keeping the community clean. Leading an
honest life, not cheating or abusing others and just following our duty as
descendants of this great nation, that is all a person who truly cares does.

The opinions expressed within 
this article are the personal 
opinions of the author. The facts 
and opinions appearing in the 
article do not reflect the views of 
MISB and MISB does not assume 
any responsibility or liability for 
the same. 

About the Author, Hello everyone my name is Raghav Chaudhary. I am a part time barista & full time B-School student. My friends generally find me in one of the cafes around the school. Mostly with headphones on & a novel in my hand, with a nice cup of coffee next to me & a smile on my face. 

Monday, August 14, 2017

DIL SE by Rishi Agarwal: Effect of Social Media in Protecting the Rights of the Children

Effect of Social Media in Protecting the Rights of the Children

When a child is born everyone is elated and cheerful, but the birth of a child also gives birth to preconceived notions. A doctor’s child is expected to be a doctor, a well off person’s kid is expected to be well off all their lives & there are many such instances in this regard. But what happens to the kids who do not even get the basic facility of being born in a hospital? Does the happiness remain the same when a child is born in a family which is failing to make ends meet? Unfortunately, we all know the answers to these questions.

Sometimes I wish everyone started from the same point and everything was driven by merit. I wish the huge disparity of income where a person spends millions on a bag whereas another person cannot even buy his next meal, was not present. But unfortunately it is present and if it were not so, I wouldn’t be here writing an article on my laptop sitting in one of the premier B-Schools in the country. I understand the fact that everyone cannot have the same quality of life. It’s obvious that a person who works hard and is sincere will always have a better lifestyle than a person who doesn’t. What I fail to understand is how we as humans fail to consider that everyone deserves some fundamental rights and at the end of the day, its humanity which should prevail.

I have heard children are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression. One has to be very careful when it comes to dealing with children as the things they see in their childhood, stay in their memories forever. We need to understand that all children irrespective of their caste, sex, religion or financial status should have the right to development, participation & protection.
I know a lot of people reading this article would think right now that it’s very easy to point out the problems, indeed it is, but I am not the sort of person that cries about things but does nothing. I believing in taking initiative for changing things and making a difference. This brings me to social media. An American author rightly said, “The power of social media is that it forces necessary change”. Change and spreading awareness has a whole new dimension now, thanks to the advent of social media. People can now connect to millions of people just by making a few clicks. This is what we need to cash in on. This is our platform where we can raise our voice against injustice and make a difference by creating awareness.

The children of this world are the future of humanity, they are the ones who would take mankind forward. It’s time we start giving children their fair share of opportunities. Take a stand, if you see injustice or children being oppressed, raise your voice and post it on social media. The use of social media should not only be restricted to negative things but can also be used in a positive light. There are places where people treat everyone equally, everything is driven by merit. These places and people can be a source of inspiration for millions of people and would, in turn, serve the purpose of protecting children rights.

One of the major culprits when it comes to oppression of children rights is child labor. Children are stuck earning for their families which lead to the violation of the basic right of education for every child. Social media has helped tremendously to minimize this problem. Various social media campaigns have been organized for creating awareness as well as for boycotting companies which take the help of child labor to produce their goods. Negative publicity is something every brand in today’s generation is scared of. This is one of the major advantages any social media campaign enjoys & this is what NGO’s and individuals wanting to help people should cash in on.

In today’s world, we don’t have a choice on whether we use social media, the question is how well we do it. No one can deny the power and impact of social media, it is a form of people-powered communication, which if utilized properly can do wonders not only in the field of child rights but also to create social awareness on various aspects for the public good. Now I would like to end this article with an appeal to everyone, let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhood.

The author Rishi Agarwal is a PGPB-6 candidate at MISB Bocconi and a core committee member of The Social Club. He is a big SRK fan, a kid at heart and his heart goes out to all the kids in the world. Expect a lot more from this talented guy in the near future and keep up with Rishi & his fellow social club members on our FB page.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Why can't you see us ?

A dog leaves a mark, not a scar', …someone rightly said.

The dog community in India especially the Indian Pariah is without any social security.

They are breeding without any reasonable care and comfort. They are hounded by dog haters and made to suffer beyond their survival strategies.

It all started with my experience when an Indian street dog came at my doorstep…she was the one who made me realize that we need to nurture these dogs too. The Golden Retrievers and the Labradors of the world all find their ways to rich homes. What is so special about them? They are dogs as well. Do not be biased…just spare a thought about giving some care and love to their Indian counterparts.

The Indian Pariah is blamed and feared for no fault of their own. They are usually non-aggressive unless poked and hit! There is a general fear because people assume that all of them carry rabies.

The reality is that the unhealthy environment in which they survive is the reason behind their ill health. The mismanagement of sanitation in the city gullies, the garbage piles on which they feed is killing them. Ironically, they save us from the garbage! The municipal kennel keepers often find these dogs in danger but do not do much about it.

Rise up people!! Have a heart for them too. This blog may not be the first one to voice their sufferings but we do need to cull out decent home care for them  The not for profit organizations working for puppy love might be doing their bit but let us wake up and realize how we can work for them and help them.

To start with, how about setting up some kennels on the streets?

Hope you are in tune with me…Do share ideas and thoughts LIKES DISLIKES….. on the topic as it is the need of the hour!

"I am Faraz Haider, member of social club, MISB Bocconi.This is for a friend who is in love with dogs."